Your ultimate guide


All Posts:
  1. Git and GitHub
  2. Difference between C# and Java
    1. Differences Between Java, C# and Python
    2. Differences Between Selenium with Java, C# and Python
  3. Demo Web Pages for Practise
  4. Manual Testing
    1. About Software Testing
    2. SDLC(Software Development Life Cycle)
    3. Testing Phases/Stages in Agile Process
    4. Bug Life Cycle
  5. Fix Browser closes automatically using Selenium with Python
  6. Java
    1. Class and Objects
    2. Inheritance
    3. Polymorphism
    4. Access Modifiers
    5. Abstraction
    6. Java Example Programs
  7. C#
    1. C# Example Programs
  8. Python 
    1. Python Installation
    2. Python Introduction
    3. PyCharm Installation
    4. Identifiers, Reserved Keywords and Comments
    5. Datatypes
    6. All functions in List, Tuple, Set, and Dict
    7. String Functions in Python
    8. Operators
    9. Control Statements
    10. Type Casting
    11. Functions part 1
    12. Functions part 2
  9. Selenium with Java
    1. Introduction of Automation
    2. About Selenium
    3. Setup
    4. Browser commands part 1
    5. Browser commands part 2
    6. Locators
    7. Navigation commands
    8. Frame
    9. Window handle
    10. Alerts
    11. Drop Down
    12. Mouse Actions
    13. Keyboard Actions
    14. Select Multiple items in a dropdown
    15. findElements
    16. Waits
    17. Take Screenshot
    18. XPath
    19. CSS Selector
    20. Tool Tip Text
    21. Browser Window Size and Positions
    22. File Upload Using Selenium WebDriver
  10. Java Script Executor
    1. Java Script Executor part 1(click, value, alert)
    2. Java Script Executor part 2(HighLight, Enable, Disable)
    3. Java Script Executor part 3(Scroll-to particular element, to top, to down)
    4. Java Script Executor part 4(history clear)
    5. Find Elements using Java Script
  11. Selenium with C#
    1. Setup in Visual Studio
    2. C#, NuGet
    3. C# Basics
    4. How to Create an NUnit Project
  12. Selenium with Python
    1. Environment Setup
    2. Write a First Sample Automation Program
    3. Basic Selenium Methods
    4. Locators
    5. Navigation Commands
    6. Handling Frames(iframes)
    7. Window handle
    8. Mouse Actions
    9. Keyboard Actions
    10. Waits
    11. Get the size and position of a web element
    12. Handling dropdown using Selenium with Python
  13. Robot Framework using Selenium with Python
    1. Environment Setup
    2. Creating Robot File & Components of Robot Framework
    3. Browser Keywords
    4. Handling Text box
    5. Handling Radio button and Checkbox
    6. Handling Dropdown
  14. Demo Web Pages for Practice
    1. Form
    2. Frames
    3. Window Handling
    4. Alerts and Buttons
    5. Drag and Drop
    6. Waits
    7. File Upload

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