Software Testing:
Software testing is a method to check whether the actual software product matches expected requirements and to ensure that the software product is Defect free.
If there are any Bugs or Errors in the Software, they can be identified early and solved before the software product is delivered.
Software Testing Importance: Tested Software product ensures reliability, Security, and high performance, resulting in time-saving, cost-effectiveness and customer satisfaction.
(validate the application based on client requirement)
There are two types of testing :
1) Manual Testing 2) Automation Testing
Manual Testing:
In this testing, we will write test cases (test cases contain user actions and their subsequence results) and we execute these test cases in the application manually, verifying the actual behaviour of the application with respect to the given expected result like the test cases document.
Automation Testing:
Automation testing is done by the tool, here we are going to give all the information about the requirements of project in a script format to that tool. Then that Tool internet with that project and it will given output.
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