What is
NUnit is an Open source unit testing
framework for Microsoft .NET, it works the same as Junit or TestNG
framework in Java.
- NUnit is written in C#
- Official website – https://nunit.org/
In Java, we have a framework called JUnit, TestNG
In Python, we have Framework PyTest
In JavaScript, we have MOKA, JASMIN
For C# it is NUnit.
NUnit Features:
- Tests can be run in parallel
- Every Test Case can be added to one or more categories or to allow selective running
- Skip the tests
- Order can be set to tests
- Parameterization
- Data-driven Testing
Creating NUnit Projects:
- Right-click on the Solution folder ⇾ Select Add ⇾ Click on New Project
- Select Project type as Test.
- Select the project template as NUnit Test Project ⇾ Click on Next.
- And give the Project name and Location ⇾ Click on Next.
- Select the Target Framework ⇾ Click on Create.
When we open
NUnit Project, we will see one default Class with the name on UnitTest.cs.
It contains
one Example program ⬇:
namespace NUnitSelenium
public class Tests
public void Setup()
public void Test1()
If you have pre-requests for the test like
launching the browser, setting the implicit time out, maximizing, cleaning up
the data, and hitting the URL ….. all pre-requests we mention here.
Attribute holds the core logic. Whatever the functionalities we perform we
write in the Test attribute.
The last thing
which will happen after the Test Attribute run is, Close the browser, delete the
cookies and delete the data …. And so on.
How to run any NUnit test:
- First, we need to build the entire project. For that Click on Build menu > then select Build
- After the build is done then we access the test explorer. (Click on Test menu > then Click on Test Explorer)
- Now In the Test Explorer, we can run the Test attributes individually:
- For that, Right-click
on the Test (on the Explorer tab) then click on Run.
- To see the
output, On the output tab select Show output from: as Tests.