In the Agile model Product Backlog Document Contains all the Requirements, Each and every requirement in the form of User Stories.
- The requirements gathered by the client in the form of EPIC/Future/Module, the product owner analysis the requirements and comes up with the User Stories.
- By using User Stories Testers will write the test cases and Developer will develop the program.
- SME(Subject Matter Excepts) will help the Product Owner for developing User Stories.
- Once the product backlog is done, the same Product Owner reviews that document.
By using this Product Backlog Document, they prepare Sprint Backlog.
- Here they pull the User Stories from the Product backlog to make Sprint Backlog.
- Once Sprint Backlog is done again Product Owner will review the Sprint Backlog.
After Sprint Backlog is done, Technical Architect/Senior Developers will do the design in the form of HLD/LLD. Once this document is done they will review this document.
Why do we review a document?
In Order to check whether the technical document is perfectly complete and correct.
There are some review techniques are their called Verification/Static/Review testing techniques.
- Walk-through review: We go to check line by line from Starting to Ending.
- Inspection review: They are going to check specific factors in the application.
- Peer review: They are going to get reviewed by other people.
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